Accepting a Counter Offer after Resigning
You’ve found a new job and the time has come to hand in your notice. But then the worse happens, your current employer gives you a counter offer which confuses the immediate future plans you have been making.
You’ve tried so hard to land a new job, and now your employer has offered more money and/or benefits to stay. Here is what you should consider when this happens:
•The plan! What is your 5 year plan, and what company best suits this? What position will have, what could this lead too? How much money is on offer? Don’t take the easy route, this is a serious life-changing decision
•Why now? It has taken this drastic action for your employer to listen to your needs. Is this because your hard work has been recognised or are they just threatened with your departure?
•What changes? Ask yourself if your current employer will actually make ‘arrangements’ to keep you? Better car, better money? If you have decided to now stay, get this in writing before turning down your new role. Your employer will have no problem doing this if they’re serious, right!?
•Nearly got away? When accepting a counter offer, it may not be your employers credibility that will come into questions, but also yours! If you chose to stay with your employer don’t be surprised if some respect is lost to your colleagues or if your somewhat overlooked with promotions or bonuses. Your current employer may consider they’re already paying you a ‘premium’ and more results are already expected.
•The Other Job! Don’t forget the poor employer you may be knocking back should you chose to accept a counter offer, or even the recruitment specialists who may have just lost their commission. Give them the communication and notice they deserve, and don’t be surprised if your news isn’t ‘well received’. The employer may have already started making arrangements for you, which could be very costly. Be professional at all times.
•Don’t Expect! Don’t expect the future employer to keep your job open, and sadly, your decision here may effect future dealings with this company
Be very sure with your decision to leave. You have looked to leave for a reason, are those reasons going to change? Are the reasons going to get worse? Are the expectations from you going to increase now they are offering to pay more or offer better company car!?a
Statistics on Counter Offers
50% of all “resigners” will be given a counter offer to stay!
57% of ‘resigners’ will accept a counter offer!
50% of ‘resigners’ who accept a counter offer will be seeking a new role again within 60 days!
80% of candidates who accept a counter offer, end up leaving within 6 months.
90% within 12 months!